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Hitler’s First Major Statement on Anti-Semitism: Reply to Adolf Gemlich (September 16, 1919)
After experiencing the November Revolution and the “Councils Republic” [Räterepublik], the Bavarian Reichswehr Group Commando No. 4, which was established on May 11, 1919, decided to keep....
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Program of the German Workers’ Party (1920)
On January 5, 1919, locksmith Anton Drexler and sports journalist Karl Harrer founded the German Workers’ Party [Deutsche Arbeiterpartei or DAP] in Munich. Harrer served as Reich party chairman....
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Gershom Scholem on the Atmosphere in Munich in the Early 1920s (Retrospective Account, 1977)
As a reaction to Anti-Semitism, Zionism propagated a return to the traditional values of Judaism, Jewish self-confidence, preparation for emigration (above all, through agricultural training), and....
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Professor of History Karl Alexander von Müller on the First NSDAP Rally in Munich in January 1923 (Retrospective Account)
The NSDAP planned to hold its first Reich Party Rally in Munich on January 27-29, 1923. The political mood in the lead-up to the rally was extremely heated, as French and Belgian troops had occupied....
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Hitler’s Speech at the Putsch Trial (February 1924)
After the failed putsch of November 8/9, 1923, Hitler, Ludendorff and eight co-defendants were put on trial for high treason at the People’s Court in Munich. The proceedings were held from February....
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Ernst Bloch, "Hitler’s Force" (April 1924)
Shortly after the sentencing in Adolf Hitler’s trial in Munich, Marxist philosopher and publisher Ernst Bloch attempted to explain Hitler’s popularity and appeal in the independent weekly Das....
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Albert Krebs on Young NSDAP Activists (Retrospective Account, 1959)
Even contemporaries perceived the NSDAP as a particularly youthful political party, and were thoroughly justified in doing so. In 1930, 36.8% of party members and 26.2% of party leaders were thirty....
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NSDAP Report on a Mass Rally in Berlin (February 1927)
After constant inner-party quarrels – in particular fights between the Gau leadership and the intentionally provocative local SA leadership – Joseph Goebbels was made Gau leader [Gauleiter]....
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Memorandum of the Prussian Ministry of the Interior on Nazi Agitation (May 1930)
In late April 1930, Joseph Goebbels became Reich propaganda leader. He went on to devise a propaganda strategy that helped turn the Nazi party into a mass movement. In this memorandum from May 1930,....
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Hitler’s Speech to the Industry Club in Düsseldorf (January 27, 1932)
Many business leaders were highly skeptical of the NSDAP, which they viewed as a socialist and anti-capitalist party. Hitler tried to dispel their doubts through personal statements and speaking....
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