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Peace Treaties of Westphalia (October 14/24, 1648)*

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Article X
§1. [Reparations for the Queen of Sweden.] Furthermore, since the most Serene Queen of Sweden has demanded that she should be compensated for the restitution of the places occupied by her during this war, and that the Empire’s Public Peace be adequately restored, His Imperial Majesty, with the consent of the electors, princes, and Imperial estates and especially of those [directly] concerned, yields to the said most Serene Queen, her heirs and successors, the kings and the kingdom of Sweden, by virtue of the present treaty, the following provinces in full right as a perpetual and immediate (20) fief of the Empire:

§2. [Hither Pomerania and Other Lands to Sweden.] (21) First, all of Hither Pomerania [ . . . ] together with the island of Rügen. [ . . . ] In addition, in Further Pomerania, the towns of Stettin, (22) Gartz, Damm, Gollnow, (23) and the island of Wollin, together with the Oder River and the arm of the sea commonly called das frische Haff. (24) Likewise the three mouths of the Peene, Swiene, and Divenow (25) [rivers] and the adjacent land on both sides beginning at the royal [Swedish] territory and extending to the Baltic Sea. [ . . . ] [The precise boundaries are to be determined by commissioners appointed for this task.]

§3. [Rights of the Queen of Sweden in Her Imperial Lands.] Her Majesty and the kingdom of Sweden shall hold and possess in hereditary fief from this time forward the said duchy of Pomerania and the principality of Rügen. And they shall enjoy and make use of them freely and inviolably, together with the domains and places annexed and all the territories, bailiwicks, towns, castles, burghs, villages, hamlets, fiefs, rivers, islands, lakes, banks, ports, roads, ancient tolls and revenues, and all other goods whatsoever, ecclesiastical and secular, and also the titles, dignities, immunities, preeminences, and prerogatives, and all the other rights and privileges, ecclesiastical and secular, in the same manner that the former dukes of Pomerania had possessed and governed them. [ . . . ]

§6. [Port Cities to the Queen of Sweden.] Second, the emperor, with the consent of the whole Empire, also yields to the Most Serene Queen and her heirs and successors, the kings and the kingdom of Sweden, as a perpetual and immediate fief of the Empire, the town and port of Wismar together with the fortress of Walfisch and also the bailiwick of Poel (except the villages of Seedorf, Weidendorf, Brandenhusen, and Wangern which belong to the hospital of the Holy Ghost in Lübeck) and that of Neukloster. [ . . . ]

§7. [Ecclesiastical Lands to the Queen of Sweden.] Third, [ . . . ] the archbishopric of Bremen and the bishopric of Verden together with the town and bailiwick of Wildeshausen and the whole right that had belonged to the late archbishops of Bremen over the chapter and diocese of Hamburg. [ . . . ]

§8. [The City of Bremen to Retain Its Freedoms.] The town of Bremen, its territory and subjects shall be left without any trouble or hindrance in their present state, their freedoms, and their rights and privileges in ecclesiastical and political matters. [ . . . ]

§9. [The Queen of Sweden as Imperial Estate.] Fourth, the emperor and the Empire receive, based on the account of all the aforesaid provinces and fiefs, the Most Serene Queen and her successors to the crown of Sweden as an immediate Imperial estate. Therefore, the aforesaid queen and the said kings shall henceforth be summoned to the Imperial Diets, along with the other Imperial estates, under the titles of dukes of Bremen, Verden, and Pomerania as well as [the titles] of princes of Rügen and lords of Wismar. [ . . . ]

§13. [The Queen of Sweden’s Right to Found a University and Levy Tolls.] He likewise gives over to Her Majesty of Sweden the right to erect an academy or university, where and when she shall think proper.

He also grants to her, by perpetual right, the modern tolls (commonly called licenses) on the coasts and in the ports of Pomerania and Mecklenburg, provided they be reduced to so moderate a tax that commerce may not thereby be interrupted in those parts. [ . . . ] [§§14-16 describe the Queen of Sweden’s enfiefment with these lands and the rights and privileges of the territorial estates and subjects.]

(20) “Immediate” in the sense of held directly from the emperor as a feudal lord.
(21) Hither Pomerania (Vorpommern) and Further Pomerania (Hinterpommern) were respectively the western and eastern parts of the duchy.
(22) Now Szczecin.
(23) Now Goleniow.
(24) The large lagoon at the mouth of the Oder River. Between it and the Baltic Sea lie the islands of Usedom and Wollin.
(25) Now Dziewnów.

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