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Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, Excerpts from Faust (1808)

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Woe's me! I cannot bear the sight!

To see me thou dost breathe thine invocation,
My voice to hear, to gaze upon my brow;
Me doth thy strong entreaty bow--
Lo! I am here I--What cowering agitation
Grasps thee, the demigod! Where's now the soul's deep cry?
Where is the breast, which in its depths a world conceiv'd
And bore and cherished? which, with ecstasy,
To rank itself with us, the spirits, heaved?
Where art thou, Faust? whose voice I heard resound,
Who towards me press'd with energy profound?
Art thou he? Thou,--who by my breath art blighted,
Who, in his spirit's depths affrighted,
Trembles, a crush'd and writhing worm!

Shall I yield, thing of flame, to thee?
Faust, and thine equal, I am he!

In the currents of life, in action's storm,
I float and I wave
With billowy motion!
Birth and the grave
A limitless ocean,
A constant weaving
With change still rife,
A restless heaving,
A glowing life--
Thus time's whirring loom unceasing I ply,
And weave the life-garment of deity.

Thou, restless spirit, dost from end to end
O'ersweep the world; how near I feel to thee!

Thou'rt like the spirit, thou dost comprehend,
Not me! (Vanishes.)

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