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Excerpts from Hitler’s Speech before the first "Greater German Reichstag" (January 30, 1939)

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Only a hysterical press that is as obstinate as it is tactless, and very malicious, could have forgotten so quickly that only a few years ago it embarrassed itself thoroughly with its predictions about the outcome of the Italian campaign in Abyssinia, just as it is doing again now in its assessment of Franco's national forces in the Spanish campaign.

Men make history! But they also forge the instruments that are suitable for shaping history, and above all, they infuse them with their spirit. Great men, however, are themselves merely the strongest, most concentrated representation of a Volk.

National Socialist Germany and Fascist Italy are strong enough to secure the peace against anyone, or to put a determined and successful end to a conflict rashly instigated by irresponsible forces!

This does not mean that we Germans – as is written every day by an irresponsible press – wish for a war; instead, it merely means that we:

1. Understand that other peoples, too, want to secure their share of the goods of the world, to which they are entitled by virtue of their number, their courage, and their worth, and that

2. In recognition of these rights, we are determined to jointly stand up for shared interests.

Above all, however, it means that we will never, under any circumstances, yield to threats amounting to blackmail!

Thus, our relationship to Japan is also determined by the recognition and the decision with the utmost determination to put a stop to the threat of the Bolshevization of a world gone blind. The Anti-Comintern Pact may one day become the crystallization point for a group of powers whose highest goal is none other than to ward off the threat posed to the peace and culture of the world by a satanic apparition.

The Japanese Volk, which has given us so many examples of shining heroism during these past two years, is without a doubt a fighter in the service of human civilization on the other side of the world. Its collapse would not benefit European or other civilized nations, but merely lead to the certain Bolshevization of East Asia. Except for international Jewry, which has an interest in this, no Volk can wish for such a development.

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