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Excerpts from Hitler’s Speech before the first "Greater German Reichstag" (January 30, 1939)

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Seeing as the enormous efforts made last year achieved their goal peacefully in the end, we, as I already assured you at the beginning, would like, without further ado, to thank Mussolini as well as the other two statesmen who, in those critical hours, judged peace to be more valuable than continuing an injustice.

Germany has no territorial demands against England and France, except for the return of our colonies. As much as the solution of this question would contribute to the calming of the world, these are certainly not problems which, by themselves, could lead to a military confrontation.

If there are any tensions in Europe today, then this is primarily attributable to the irresponsible activities of an unscrupulous press, which hardly lets a day go by without unsettling humanity with alarmist news articles that are as stupid as they are mendacious.

The kind of poisoning of the world's well that various organs have dared to engage in can only be judged a crime. Recently there have also been attempts to place radio in the service of this international smear campaign.

Let me utter a warning here: If the radio broadcasts sent from certain countries into Germany do not cease, we will answer them soon.

I hope that the statesmen of these countries will not then return in short order with the urgent request for the resumption of a normal state of affairs. For I continue to believe that our education will be more effective than the campaign of lies by these Jews who incite hatred between peoples.

And the announcement by American film companies that they will produce anti-Nazi – that is, anti-German – films can impel us, at most, to have anti-Semitic films made in our German studios. Here, too, one should harbor no illusions about the effect. There will be a great many states and peoples who will exhibit tremendous understanding for additional instruction on such an important topic!

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