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Constitution of the German Empire (April 16, 1871)

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Section V. The Reichstag

Art. 20
The Reichstag is elected by universal and direct election with a secret ballot.

Until the legal arrangement reserved in § 5 of the Election Laws of 31 May 1869 (Federal Law Gazette, 1869, p. 145) has been made, there are to be elected: in Bavaria, 48; in Württemberg, 17; in Baden, 14; Hesse, south of the Main, 6 members; the total number of the members consists, therefore, of 382.

Art. 21
Officials do not require any leave of absence on entering into the Reichstag.

If any member of the Reichstag accepts any salaried appointment of the Reich, of any State of the Federation, or enters into any Reich or State office to which a higher rank, or higher salary is attached, he loses his seat and service in the Reichstag, and can only regain his position in the same by re-election.

Art. 22
The proceedings of the Reichstag are public.

Truthful reports of the proceedings in the public sittings of the Reichstag are free from any responsibility.

Art. 23
The Reichstag has the right to propose laws within the competency of the Reich, and to forward petitions which have been addressed to it either to the Federal Council or to the Reichskanzler.

Art. 24
The legislative period of the Reichstag is three years. For a dissolution of the Reichstag within this time, a resolution of the Federal Council, with the assent of the Emperor, is requisite.

Art. 25
In case of a dissolution of the Reichstag, the meeting of the electors must be called within a period of sixty days after such dissolution, and within a period of ninety days the Reichstag must be summoned.

Art. 26
Without the assent of the Reichstag the prorogation of the same may not be extended over thirty days, and it can never be repeated during the same session.

Art. 27
The Reichstag scrutinises the legality of the credentials of its members and decides thereon. It regulates its own method of business and discipline by means of a standing order and elects its President, Vice-Presidents, and Secretaries.

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