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Constitution of the German Empire (April 16, 1871)

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Art. 28
The Reichstag decides by an absolute majority of votes. The presence of a majority of the legal number of the members is necessary for the validity of a resolution.

In voting on a matter which, according to the stipulations of this Constitution, is not common to the whole Reich, only the votes of those members will be counted who have been elected in those federate States to which the matter is common.

Art. 29
The members of the Reichstag are representatives of the entire people and are not bound by orders and instructions.

Art. 30
No member of the Reichstag can at any time be proceeded against either judicially or by way of discipline, on account of his votes, or for statements made in the exercise of his functions, nor can he be made responsible in any other way out of the Assembly.

Art. 31
Without the assent of the Reichstag no member of the same may be placed under examination or arrested during the period of the session for any punishable deed except when taken in the fact or in the course of the following day.

The same assent is needful in arrest for debt.

At the demand of the Reichstag every correctional procedure against a member of the same and all investigations or civil arrests must be relinquished for the duration of the period of the session.

Art. 32
The members of the Reichstag must not receive any salary or expenses in that capacity.

Section VI. Customs and Commercial Affairs

Art. 33
Germany forms one customs and commercial territory surrounded by a common customs frontier. Those separate parts of territory are excluded, which from their position are not adapted for inclusion in the customs area.

All articles of free trade in any one of the States of the Federation may be introduced into any other State of the Federation, and can only be subjected to a duty in the latter in so far as similar articles produced in that State are subject to a home duty.

Art. 34
The Hanseatic towns of Bremen and Hamburg, with so much of their own or of the adjacent territory as may be needful for the purpose, remain as free ports outside the common customs area until they apply to be admitted therein.

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