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The London Four-Power Agreement (August 8, 1945)
The United States, Great Britain, France, and the Soviet Union signed the London Four-Power Agreement on August 8, 1945. The Agreement stipulated that major war criminals were to be tried before....
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Control Council Directive No. 38 (October 12, 1946)
Control Council Directive No. 38 of October 1946 gave concrete form to the denazification called for in the Potsdam....
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The Editor-in-Chief of Die Zeit on the Nuremberg Trials (January 22, 1948) and the American Response (February 12, 1948)
Richard Tüngel, the conservative editor-in-chief of the weekly newspaper Die Zeit, sharply criticized the proceedings of the International....
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Analysis of Denazification Categories in the Western Occupation Zones (1949-1950)
This statistical overview of denazification in the three Western occupation zones should be interpreted with great caution. It is difficult to draw comparisons among zones, since the completeness....
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The Present Status of Denazification (December 31, 1950)
At the end of 1950, U.S. High Commissioner for Germany John J. McCloy wrote a positive review of the denazification process in the American zone. He pointed out that the initial goal had been to....
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