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Practical Courses Offered by the Vocational Schools of the Lette Association (1871-1872; 1879)

In nineteenth-century Germany, women were not yet admitted to university studies. However, their education became more important and attracted more public discussion as the century wore on. Whereas the regular public school system did not afford women many opportunities, private initiatives sometimes filled the need for women’s vocational and “business” training. As illustrated in this list of courses offered by the Lette Association – founded in 1866 by Wilhelm A. Lette (1799-1868) – emphasis was put on traditional domestic roles and fund-raising activities for women, not on higher intellectual or scientific pursuits.

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I. Business school of the Lette Association (as of 1871/72)

Admission requirements: 1st or 2nd grade of the higher (secondary) school for girls, at least 15 years of age.
Duration: 1 year (12 hours a week);
School fees: 50 thalers and 2 thalers fees;
Cost of full board: 17 thalers a month.

Business correspondence,
business mathematics,
office work and correspondence,
business and trade studies,
monetary and exchange system, coins, weights and measures, etc.
English and French languages,
correspondence and conversation 6 hrs. a week
German 4 hrs. a week

Management of the school: Professor Clement

II. Vocational school of the Lette Association (as of 1871/72)

Industrial drafting
(1 year or ½, 8 hours a week, 4 thalers per month)
Practical tailoring, clothes-making and ready-made clothing
(2 months, 6-9 hours a week, 5 thalers per month)
Linen tailoring
(3 months, 4 hours a week, 2 thalers per month)
Sewing instruction for hand-sewing, linen embroidery, and invisible mending
(monthly, 6 hours a week, 1 thaler)
Machine sewing
(monthly, 4 hours a week, 4 thalers per month)
Wreath and bouquet making
(3 months, 4 hours a week, 4 thalers per month)
Cleaning class
(3 months, 4 hours a week, 4 thalers per month)

Management of the school: Karl Weiß

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