I. National and State Life.
1. Germany’s liberation. The freedom of the German people from foreign tyranny is the precondition for national rebirth. A newly strengthened, free nation reunited with the German territories currently severed from it—this is and remains the goal of all German policy. For this reason we are committed to amending the terms of the Versailles Treaty, restoring German unity and recovering the colonies required for our economic development.
2. Germans living in border areas and abroad. We are inextricably bound to our fellow Germans living outside the borders that have been imposed upon us. An important goal of national policy is to protect German culture in the lost and occupied territories and defend Germans living abroad. Through our close-knit national community, we are connected to all Germans living abroad, particularly to those in Austria, and we will fight for their rights and power of self-determination.
3. Foreign policy. We demand a strong, unwavering foreign policy based solely on the German perspective, a dignified, firm and skillful representation of German interests, and the use of our economic strength for Germany’s foreign policy aims. [...]
4. Monarchy. The monarchic form of government is suited to Germany’s special character and historical development. Positioned above the parties, the monarchy is the surest guarantee of national unity, the protection of minorities, the continuity of state affairs and the incorruptibility of public administration. The individual German states shall be able to freely choose their form of government. With respect to the nation, we favor a renewal of the German empire established by the Hohenzollerns.
5. Character of the nation. A firmly united German Reich provides the most important foundation for German greatness. Only if all its parts joyfully and voluntarily embrace the idea of the Reich can the existence of this Reich be guaranteed; only then can its abundant strengths be unleashed. For the sake of national unity, the independence of the individual states must be protected and their special characteristics and those of their people must be preserved. For its interests as a whole, Germany requires an undivided Prussia, whose holdings and rights have not been reduced. For its rebirth, the Reich cannot do without Prussia’s state-forming powers.
10. Equality for women. German women are the indispensible guardians of the moral and religious foundations of family and national life. They are entitled to equal participation in public life. The rights of women as individuals taking responsibility for the upbringing of future generations and for occupational and family life must be expanded. The key values created by the work of housewives and mothers must receive social and economic recognition.
12. Public health. We support all measures to strengthen the nation and promote public health. We are committed to improving nutritional conditions, protecting children and mothers and fighting child mortality, tuberculosis and venereal diseases, all of which are draining the vitality of the people […]. The broad masses must be educated as to the risks of the declining birthrate. Families with many children must generally be given special consideration in legislative measures.
II. Spiritual Life.
13. Religion. From the deepening of Christian consciousness we expect the moral rebirth of our people, which is fundamental to their political renewal. Religion is a matter of the people. […] A people without religion are without moral support and thus lack the ability to withstand the worries and deprivations of the age. […]
Source: “Grundsätze der Deutschnationalen Volkspartei” (1920), in Deutsche Parteiprogramme 1861-1954, edited by Dr. Wolfgang Treue, Quellensammlung zur Kulturgeschichte, vol. 3 (Göttingen, Frankfurt, Berlin: Musterschmidt Wissenschaftlicher Verlag, 1955), 106–13. Translation by Adam Blauhut.