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Friedrich Diesterweg: "An Educator's Little Book of Crabs" (1856)

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7. How to Raise an Illiberal Child

1. Immediately after birth, swaddle him so tightly that he cannot move his arms and hands.
2. Do not pay attention to the drives and wishes of the infant, expressed by his crying.
3. In the years that follow, force the child to eat the foods most repulsive to him.
4. Free play and movement should be prohibited in the house and yard alike.
5. Inhibit the desire and ability to do anything of one's own choice by habituating children to ask permission for everything from their parents and teachers.
6. Make no distinction between what you call "stubbornness" and the free expression of a child’s own opinion. Everything a child wants that is against the will of the one who takes responsibility for his education is stubbornness.
7. This "stubbornness" is to be "broken."
8. A child's aptitude for one or another area of study is never paid attention to.
9. Using one's own judgment is presumptuous.
10. By means of capricious, moody, or even despotic behavior, one tries to achieve the complete intimidation of the child.
11. In the presence of strangers or adults, a child is never to be permitted free movement – even when it is proper – or to speak a single word. A subservient posture towards one's "betters" is to be cultivated.
12. It is the parents who choose a child's profession, without regards to aptitude or natural gifts or other external considerations.

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