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Report by Alfred Wetzler and Rudolf Vrba, two Escapees from Auschwitz (Late April 1944)

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Following the suppression of the "selection" system, the murder of prisoners was also forbidden. The following Reichsgermans were flogged for multiple murder:

Alexander Neumann, professional criminal
Alexander Zimmer, professional criminal
Albert Haemmerle, " "
Rudolf Osteringer, " "
Alfred Klein, political prisoner
Alois Stahler, " "

These notorious murderers also had to sign a statement admitting the killing of a certain number of their fellow-prisoners.

Early in 1943, 50,000 discharge forms were received by the Auschwitz political department. This news caused great joy among us, as we hoped that some of us at least might be released. But these forms were filled in with the personal data of those gassed and were placed in the archives.



c. 119,000 – 120,000

1000 Gentile Poles from the Pawiak prison in Warsaw.

c. 120,000 – 123,000

3000 Greek Jews, part of whom were sent to Warsaw to replace their dead compatriots. Those who stayed behind died off quickly.

c. 123,000 – 124,000

1000 Gentile Poles from Radom and Tarnow.

c. 124,000 – 126,000

2000 men from various Gentile transports.

In the meantime, Polish, Belgian, and French Jewish transports arrived continually, and their members were gassed without even a fraction going to the camp. One of these consisted of 1000 Polish Jews coming from Lublin-Maidenek. Among them were three Slovaks, including one named Spira from Stropko or Varanno.

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