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Law for the Restoration of the Professional Civil Service (April 7, 1933)

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§ 4.
Civil servants whose former political activity affords no guarantee that they will act in the interest of the national state at all times and without reservation can be dismissed from service. They are to be accorded their former salary for a period of 3 months after their dismissal. Thereafter, they will receive ¾ of their pension and corresponding survivor’s benefits.

§ 5.
1. Every civil servant must acquiesce to being transferred to another office in the same or equivalent sector, even into one carrying a lesser rank or regular salary – reimbursement of the approved relocation expenses will occur if the transfer is made on account of service-related needs. If a civil servant is transferred to an office carrying a lesser rank and regular salary, he retains his previous official title and the official income of his former position.
2. In place of a transfer to an office of lesser rank and regular income (Section 11), the civil servant can demand to be retired.

§ 6.
For the purpose of simplifying the administration, civil servants can be retired, even if they are not yet unfit for service. If civil servants are retired for this reason, their places may not be filled again.

§ 7.
1. Dismissal from office, transfer to another office, and retirement will be ordered by the highest Reich or federal state agency, which will render a decision that is final and not subject to appeal.
2. The dispositions according to Articles 2-6 must be made known to those affected by September 30, 1933 at the latest. [ . . . ]

§ 8.
A pension will not be granted to the civil servants dismissed or retired in accordance with Articles 3 and 4 if they have not completed a term of service of at least 10 years. [ . . . ]

Berlin, April 7, 1933

The Reichschancellor
Adolf Hitler

The Reichsminister of the Interior

The Reichsminister of Finance
Count Schwerin von Krosigk

Source of English translation: Law for the Reestablishment of the Professional Civil Service (April 7, 1933). In United States Chief Counsel for the Prosecution of Axis Criminality, Nazi Conspiracy and Aggression, Volume III. Washington, DC: United States Government Printing Office, 1946, Document 1397-PS, pp. 981-83. (English translated accredited to Nuremberg staff; edited by GHI staff.)

Source of original German text: Gesetz zur Wiederherstellung des Berufsbeamtentums (7. April 1933), Reichsgesetzblatt, 1933, Part I, p. 175; reprinted in Paul Meier-Benneckenstein, ed., Dokumente der deutschen Politik, Volume 1: Die Nationalsozialistische Revolution 1933, edited by Axel Friedrichs. Berlin, 1935, pp. 172-75.

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