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41-50 of 249 documents < previous  |  next > 
41.   Wilhelm Liebknecht on Elections to Parliament as a Means of Agitation (May 31, 1869)
On May 31, 1869, a new electoral law for the North German Reichstag was passed. It introduced universal, equal, direct, and secret suffrage for all male residents. This law, in fact, endorsed voting....
42.   Yearly Sums Paid to Those Claiming Damages from Air Pollution near Freiberg in Saxony (1855-67)
The Ore Mountains [Erzgebirge] ran along the border between the Kingdom of Saxony, in Germany, and the Bohemian territories of the Habsburg Empire. Silver mining in and around the city of....
43.   Social Background of German Elites and Members of the Clergy (1800-1919)
Social mobility was an essential component of German economic development. While some successful businessmen came from the middle or lower strata of German society, the great majority came from the....
44.   Causes and Effects of Emigration from Germany (1870s-1880s)
Between Bismarck’s appointment as minister president of Prussia in 1862 and his departure from office in 1890, almost 3 million Germans left....
45.   A Patriotic Song from the Franco-Prussian War: The Watch on the Rhine (1840/54)
Max Schneckenburger (1819-1849) wrote the poem Die Wacht am Rhein [The Watch on the Rhine] during the Rhine crisis of 1840, when France renewed its claim to the Rhine River as France’s....
46.   German-Language Book Production in Central Europe (1840-1890)
Book production in Germany experienced a crisis after 1848, when a sharp decline followed the revolutions of 1848/49. The emigration or incarceration of many revolutionary publicists contributed....
47.   Railway Construction (1850-1873)
Railway construction was a key factor in Germany’s rapid industrial growth during the third quarter of the nineteenth century. Here, we see that the total length of railroad track in the country....
48.   Carl Büchsel, Memories of a Rural Death (1860s)
In contrast to the relative anonymity of urban life, rural areas continued to afford a higher degree of social cohesion and participation in community life. In this passage from his memoirs, the....
49.   Financing the Upbringing and Education of a Bourgeois Family (1860-1890)
This excerpt from a 1921 scholarly study documenting the family budget of a higher civil servant from 1860 to 1890 shows the costs involved in raising and educating children in a manner befitting....
50.   Public Schooling in Prussia: Number of Institutions, Teachers, and Pupils (1864-1911/13)
Education fell under the purview of Germany’s federal states. Therefore reliable statistics for the entire nation are hard to come by before the turn of the century. Figures for the Kingdom of Prussia....
41-50 of 249 documents < previous  |  next >