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Translator and Research Associate

Dr. Erwin Fink
Ph.D., History, University of Toronto, 2004
M.A. Modern History, German Studies and English, University of Freiburg, 1996
B.A., German Studies and History, University of British Columbia, 1993


Select Translations:

Ruth Sheppard, Alexander der Große und seine Feldzüge. Stuttgart: Theiss, 2009. [From English into German]

Angela McDonald, Hieroglyphen schreiben leicht gemacht. Grüße - Redensarten - Namen - Flüche. Stuttgart: Theiss, 2008. [From English into German]

Jane Penrose, Rom und seine Feinde. Kriege – Taktik – Waffen. Stuttgart: Theiss, 2007. [From English into German]

Peter Whitfield, Städte der Welt. In historischen Karten. Stuttgart: Theiss, 2006. [From English into German]

Europe Since 1914 - Encyclopedia of the Age of War and Reconstruction, 5 vols., ed. John Merriman and Jay Winter, Detroit: Thomson Gale Publishers, Inc., 2006. [Translated several entries from German into English]

Europe 1789 to 1914 - Encyclopedia of the Age of Industry and Empire, 5 vols., ed. John Merriman and Jay Winter, Detroit: Thomson Gale Publishers, Inc., 2006. [Translated several entries from German into English]

Peter Spufford, Handel, Macht und Reichtum. Kaufleute im Mittelalter. Stuttgart: Thiess, 2004. [From English into German]

William F. Pepper, Die Hinrichtung des Martin Luther King. Wie die amerikanische Staatsgewalt ihren Gegner zum Schweigen brachte. Munich, 2003. [From English into German]

James Retallack, ed., Saxony in Germany. Culture, Society, and Politics, 1830-1933. Ann Arbor, MI, 2000. [Translated several essays from German into English]

Ulrich Herbert, ed., National Socialist Extermination Policies. New York and London, 1999. [Translated essays by Götz Aly and Thomas Sandkühler from German into English]

Paul G. Bahn, Gräber, Särge & Mumien. Spektakuläre Entdeckungen der Archäologie. Augsburg, 1997. [From English into German]

"For Country, King, and Church: The Bavarian Patriots' Party and Bavarian Regional Identity in the Era of German Unification." In John Breuilly and Ronald Speirs, eds. Germany's Two Unifications. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2005.

"Symbolic Representations of the Nation: Baden, Bavaria, and Saxony, 1860-1880." In Laurence Cole, ed. Different Paths to the Nation: National Identity and State-Building in Germany, Italy, and the Habsburg Empire c. 1830-1870. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2006.

Primary Research Interests:
Regional and national political cultures in imperial Germany; popular allegiances and processes of nation-building in late nineteenth-century Europe.