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Images - Part I: Section A – Eyewitnesses
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1.   Knight, Death, and the Devil (1513-14)
Albrecht Dürer’s Knight, Death, and the Devil, shows a knight in armor riding past a personification of Death, who holds up an hourglass. Following close behind the knight is the Devil. This....
Knight, Death, and the Devil (1513-14)
2.   Lansquenets on the March (1st Half of the 16th Century)
Lansquenets were foot soldiers who fought as mercenaries in the 15th and 16th centuries and whose characteristic weapon was a pike. Introduced by Emperor....
Lansquenets on the March (1st Half of the 16th Century)
3.   Captain of the Lansquenets and Men (1538)
Many nobles served as cavalrymen, others as infantry officers. This woodcut shows a captain with two of his men. Woodcut by Niklas Stör (d. 1563), 1538.
Captain of the Lansquenets and Men (1538)
4.   Ulrich von Hutten (16th Century)
Perhaps the most famously atypical Imperial knight of his generation, Ulrich von Hutten attended....
Ulrich von Hutten (16th Century)
5.   A School in the Schoolmaster’s Apartment (16th Century)
This image shows a schoolmaster greeting a new student. In addition to the famous Latin schools, which prepared young men for the university, Germany’s cities and towns were home to hundreds, if....
A School in the Schoolmaster’s Apartment (16th Century)
6.   Götz von Berlichingen zu Hornberg (undated)
Götz (= Gottfried) von Berlichingen zu Hornberg (ca. 1480-1562), called “the Knight with the....
Götz von Berlichingen zu Hornberg (undated)
7.   Thomas Platter (Engraving, c. 1839)
Thomas Platter’s (1499-1582) account of his life is one of the most famous autobiographical....
Thomas Platter (Engraving, c. 1839)
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