Federal Chancellor Adenauer on a State Visit to Moscow (September 11, 1955)
In view of the altered situation produced by the entry of the Federal Republic into the Western alliance, the Soviet leadership sent Chancellor Konrad Adenauer a diplomatic note on July 7, 1955,....
Entrance of the All-German Team during the Opening Ceremonies of the Olympic Games in Melbourne (November 22, 1956)
In complete accord with the policies of the Adenauer government, which saw itself as the sole representative of Germany, West German athletic associations tried to establish their right to sole representation....
Signing of the Rome Treaties on the Founding of the European Economic Community (EEC) and Euratom (European Atomic Energy Commission) (March 25, 1957)
At a meeting in Rome on March 25, 1957, the government leaders of the Federal Republic of Germany, the Benelux countries, France, and Italy signed a treaty on founding a European Economic Community....
Nikita Khrushchev on a State Visit to the GDR (August 1957)
From August 7 to August 14, 1957, a Soviet party and government delegation headed by Nikita Khrushchev, First Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, visited....