German Fräuleins [Young Ladies] and American Soldiers on a Rollercoaster (1945)
An American order forbidding fraternization between U.S. soldiers and German civilians was issued in September 1944, right after American troops landed on German soil. The prohibition was motivated....
A Prisoner of War Returns Home (1947)
For many German POWs, imprisonment in a Soviet camp during and following World War II meant years of separation from home and family. The last German prisoners of war returned to the Federal Republic....
Flirting at the Wannsee (1947)
Despite the initial prohibition against fraternizing (the order forbidding private contact between American soldiers and the German population), encounters between American soldiers and German women....
First German-American Wedding (1947)
The initial order prohibiting fraternizing was lifted in October 1945, but a second order forbidding marriages between American soldiers and German women remained in place until December 1946. After....
Foster Parents with German-American Children (1949)
The marriage prohibition between U.S. soldiers and German women remained in force longer than the general order against fraternization – until December 1946. A survey conducted in 1955 in West Germany....
A Double Hand Amputee who has Returned from the War Lights Advent Candles (December 1949)
Of the approximately 1.5 million disabled war veterans living in the Western zones, 57.1 percent had serious or profound disabilities, and more than half were permanently disabled or had lost limbs.....
Crowning the German "Leg Queen" (1951)
As part of an effort to advertise pantyhose, the ARWA hosiery company organized a competition to crown the German “Leg Queen” in 1951. This photograph shows competitors participating in a “Leg Parade”....
Prospective Housewives in a Cooking Class at the Hamburg Electrical Works (1951)
The female employment rate in the Federal Republic rose from 44.4 percent in 1950 to 49.2 percent in 1957. This increase was driven by the general need for labor in the expanding economy and by the....
Baby Stroller Get-Together at a Playground in Frankfurt am Main (1954)
As family and living conditions stabilized in the Federal Republic, the number of children born out of wedlock dropped from 116,310 in 1946 to 65,101 in 1953. At the same time, the number of children....
Franz-Josef Wuermeling, Federal Minister of Family Affairs (September 1954)
In 1953, the Adenauer administration created the Federal Ministry for Family Affairs (renamed the Ministry for Family and Youth Affairs in 1957) in order to show the importance it attached to family....