"Displaced Persons" (DPs) Take Part in a Flag Ceremony (1945)
When the Allies marched into Germany in early 1945, they found some 6.5 to 7.5 million "Displaced Persons" (DPs) in the area that later became the three Western occupation zones. The term "DP" encompassed....
The First Refugees Arrive at the Zeilsheim Camp (1945)
The Zeilsheim DP camp initially consisted of the wooden barracks of a former camp for Soviet slave laborers forced to work for I.G. Farben and was later expanded by the addition of factory housing....
Camp for "Displaced Persons" from the Soviet Union (1945-46)
When the Allies marched into Germany in early 1945, they found some 6.5 to 7.5 million "Displaced Persons" (DPs) in the area that later became the three Western occupation zones. The term "DP," coined....
British Soldiers in Front of the Bergen-Belsen DP Camp (1945-46)
The Bergen-Belsen DP camp consisted of former German barracks in the immediate vicinity of the former Bergen-Belsen concentration camp, which the British had razed to the ground. The British initially....
Children's Tracing Services: A Success Story (1946)
In May 1945, some 15 million people in Germany were missing; an estimated half-million children did not know where their parents were. This was the birth hour of numerous tracing services, which....
Wedding in the Heidenheim Camp (1946)
The rabbis in Jewish DP camps devoted much care and attention to the numerous "Agunim" and "Agunot," that is, men and women whose spouses were missing and presumed dead, but of whom there was no....
Math Lessons in the Camp (1945-48)
Children were often the central concern of Jewish DPs. Many Jewish children had been selected for murder immediately upon capture by order of the Nazis, since they could not be exploited as slave....
Working on the Camp Newsletter "Unterwegs" (1945-48)
Libraries and reading rooms were set up in almost all of the large DP camps, for after years of privation, without access to education or information, there was a great thirst for knowledge. Jewish....
Preparation of Matzah for Passover (1945-49)
In the immediate postwar period, Jewish DPs had no obligation to work in the camps. In many camps, however, those who worked received higher food rations and additional clothing. This image shows....
Memorial for Victims of the Holocaust (1947)
Jewish survivors in the DP camps called themselves She’erit Hapletah, the Surviving Remnant, after the biblical concept in the Book of Ezra (9:15): "O Lord, God of Israel, You are benevolent, for....