SPD Campaign Rally with Kurt Schumacher (at the Microphone) on Königsplatz in Munich (November 25, 1946)
During the campaign leading up the to Bavarian state parliament [Landtag] elections on December 1, 1946, SED politicians Max Fechner and Walter Ulbricht traveled to Bavaria to take part in....
SPD Party Chairman Kurt Schumacher (February 7, 1949)
As the British author Fenner Brockway wrote, Kurt Schumacher embodied the whole tragedy of Germany: he had lost his right arm in the First World War, and twelve years in Nazi concentration camps....
Kurt Schumacher Opens the SPD’s Federal Election Campaign in Gelsenkirchen by Rejecting Ludwig Erhard’s Free Market Economics (June 19, 1949)
For Kurt Schumacher, the German nation, socialism, and democracy were programmatically linked. It....
"All Marxist Paths Lead to Moscow": Election Poster for the Christian Democratic Union (1953)
For strategic reasons, Adenauer's CDU ran an election campaign that linked the anti-Communist SPD to Communism by alluding to its Marxist tradition. The move was questionable not only because it....
Federal Chancellor Adenauer Starts his Election Campaign in Heppenheim (Summer 1953)
The Christian Democratic Union (CDU) had been founded in 1945 in Berlin and had spread throughout....
SPD Politician Herbert Wehner (October 1954)
Dresden native Herbert Wehner was only twenty-four years old when he became a Communist delegate in the Saxon state parliament [Landtag] in 1930. After 1933, Wehner first coordinated the KPD's....
SPD Chairman and Chancellor Candidate Erich Ollenhauer Campaigns in the Ruhr Valley (August/September 1957)
With the death of party chairman and parliamentary faction leader Kurt Schumacher on August 20,....