Foreign Minister Gustav Stresemann Addresses the General Assembly of the League of Nations in Geneva (Detail) (September 10, 1926)
Germany’s formal entry into the League of Nations on September 10, 1926, coincided with the twelfth anniversary of the Battle of the Marne. In his speech to the General Assembly, German Foreign Minister....
Foreign Ministers' Meeting in the Foyer of the Hotel "Splendide" in Lugano (December 1928)
In Germany, politicians were unable to reconcile public demands for the evacuation of the Rhineland with French and British insistence on the prior settlement of reparations. The situation led to....
Caricature of Gustav Stresemann and Aristide Briand (March 1929)
As the various powers negotiated the evacuation of the Rhineland and the final settlement of German war reparations, the optimistic spirit that prevailed at the 1925 signing of the Locarno....