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Crisis in the Social Democratic Party (October 5, 1981)
With regard to speculation about a possible end to the social-liberal coalition, most observers assumed that the FDP would cause this to happen by leaving the coalition. The authors of this piece,....
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"Divorce Papers:" The End of the SPD-FDP Coalition (September 9, 1982)
On September 9, 1982, Economics Minister Otto Graf Lambsdorff of the Free Democrats submitted a “concept for a policy to overcome weak growth and to fight unemployment.”....
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The FDP to Hold the Balance (October 2-3, 1982)
When the Free Democrats deserted the Social Democrats in favor of a coalition with the CDU/CSU, many accused them of back-stabbing a former coalition partner, and a crisis was triggered within the....
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Coalition of the Center (October 13, 1982)
In his inaugural address to the Bundestag, Helmut Kohl not only discusses the country’s economic stagnation but also describes the intellectual and political....
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Freedom as the Core of the German Question (March 15, 1984)
In this "Report on the State of the Nation in Divided Germany," which was delivered to the German Bundestag, the chancellor emphasizes the right of all Germans to liberty and self-determination and....
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Billion Mark Loans and Humanitarian Concessions (July 25, 1984)
Over the course of one year, the federal government granted the East German government two loans of over a billion marks each. Minister of State Phillip Jenninger....
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No New Wallpaper (April 10, 1987)
In this widely read interview, Kurt Hager, the member of the Politburo in charge of ideological issues, defends the party’s policies and sets them apart from....
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Joint Communiqué by Erich Honecker and Helmut Kohl (September 8, 1987)
Honecker’s planned visit to the Federal Republic – a response to Helmut Schmidt’s trip to East Germany in 1981 – was delayed by Soviet objections and only became....
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A Difficult Balancing Act: Honecker's Visit to West Germany (September 11, 1987)
In an interview with Deutschlandfunk radio, Rupert Scholz of the Christian Democrats (who represented the state of Berlin in the federal government), evaluates....
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The Politburo Gets Briefed (September 15, 1987)
This draft document informs Politburo members about Honecker’s visit to the Federal Republic of Germany,....
1-10 of 14 documents