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Official Peace Policy of the GDR (June 28, 1965)
The GDR Peace Council, orchestrated by the SED, used its membership in the World Peace Council to launch fierce attacks against the “imperialist” politics of West Germany and the U.S. and to spread....
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Serving Peace (July 1, 1969)
In his inaugural speech, newly elected federal president Gustav Heinemann....
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The Ostensible End of the Protest Movement (March 15, 1975)
In the following article, political scientist Bernd Guggenberger analyzes the protest movement of the previous years. He explores its motivations and strategies, as well as the reasons behind its....
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NATO's Dual-Track Decision (December 12, 1979)
NATO foreign and defense ministers convened a special meeting in 1979 to discuss the arms buildup in the Soviet Union and the states of the Soviet-led Warsaw Pact. In response, they adopted the
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The Western Alliance and NATO's Dual-Track Decision (December 14, 1979)
This article in the conservative daily Die Welt defends NATO 's Dual-Track Decision,....
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The Krefeld Appeal (November 1980)
The Krefeld Appeal called on the federal government to withdraw its support for NATO's Dual-Track....
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The Bielefeld Appeal (December 1980)
To distance themselves from charges that the peace movement had been infiltrated by Communists, various Social Democratic groups signed the Bielefeld Appeal, which reiterated the goals of the
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Bundestag Debate on Nuclear Arms Buildup (October 10, 1981)
The Bundestag debate on the deployment of additional nuclear arms revealed, once again, the range of positions within the SPD. It compelled Chancellor Helmut....
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Protest March in Bonn (October 12, 1981)
Between 250,000 and 300,000 demonstrators gathered in Bonn on October 10, 1981, to protest NATO....
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The Peace Movement and German Foreign Policy (October 19, 1981)
In the following essay, Alfred Grosser, a French political scientist and expert on German affairs, examines the origins and motivations of the West German peace movement, which he interprets as part....
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