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The German Education Crisis (1963)
Georg Picht, an educator who made a name for himself with the book Die deutsche Bildungskatastrophe [The German Educational Catastrophe], criticizes the narrow-mindedness of the traditional....
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Socialist Education (February 25, 1965)
The program passed at the SED’s 6th Party Congress in January 1963 called for efforts to restructure East Germany’s education system. With the implementation of the Uniform Socialist Education System....
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Expanding the University System (September 3, 1966)
The overcrowding of existing universities, the desire to create new types of higher education institutions,....
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The Third University Reform in the GDR (April 3, 1969)
Implemented over the course of several years (1967-72), the so-called Third University Reform led to a fundamental restructuring of the traditional university system and further increased the SED’s....
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Civic Right to Education (February 13, 1970)
The German Education Council supported the general call for greater equality in education and greater openness in the education system – the primary goal being to make colleges and universities more....
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Defending the Academic Fortress (1970)
In response to student riots at many universities, faculty members established the “Academic Freedom”....
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The Struggle for Codetermination and the Group University (May 29, 1973)
In 1971, the federal state of Lower Saxony changed its system of governance for universities and other institutions of higher education. The new system dealt a blow to the traditional “professors’....
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University Enrollment Slots in Scarce Supply (December 12, 1974)
Starting in 1973, admission to certain fields of study in the Federal Republic was regulated nationally by a central office. This process was supposed to reduce overcrowding....
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Wrangling for Authority (January 26, 1976)
Enacted by the federal and the state governments, the 1976 Framework Act on Higher Education was the product of reform efforts. But like the comprehensive universities [Gesamthochschulen]....
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Cultural Federalism on the Defensive (April 20-21, 1978)
After efforts to introduce the comprehensive school [Gesamtschule] proved unsuccessful, the West German government issued a “Structural Report” that criticized the incoherence of the country’s....
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