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The Onset of Turkish Labor Migration (1961)
The Federal Employment Agency announces the conditions for the employment and distribution of Turkish laborers....
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The Labor Minister Welcomes the Millionth Guest Worker (October 30, 1964)
Only four years after the start of systematic recruitment, Labor Minister Theodor Blank marked the arrival of the millionth “guest worker” and described these....
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The Federal Republic Halts Foreign Recruitment in the Wake of the Oil Crisis (June 13, 1974)
In response to OPEC’s decision to drastically increase oil prices, the federal government halted guest worker recruitment in order to prevent foreign worker unemployment, which threatened to burden....
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The Growing Influx of Guest-Worker Children (November 8, 1974)
The federal government attempted to save money by instituting a new policy whereby guest-worker children who remained in their home countries would receive less assistance than guest-worker children....
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The Partial Success of Return Incentives for Guest Workers (December 14, 1974)
During the recession that followed the first oil crisis, many Turkish workers accepted monetary incentives to return to their homeland. They did so because they feared deportation and lacked sufficient....
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Reasons for Immigrant Youth Criminality (November 16, 1978)
Liberal-minded commentators attributed immigrant youths’ tendency toward criminal behavior to multiple factors, including ineffective or insufficient social integration, failure....
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Racist Attacks against the Naturalization of Foreigners (September 14, 1979)
During the recession that followed the second oil shock, neo-Nazis started using xenophobic slogans in their publications. It was an effort to exploit widespread fears of unemployment and to tap....
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The Government Warns of New Racial Arrogance (December 12, 1979)
In response to a mounting wave of xenophobic sentiment, Heinz Kühn, the Federal Government Commissioner for Foreigners’ Affairs, called the Federal Republic an....
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Agreement between the GDR and Vietnam on the Importation of Contract Labor (April 11, 1980)
Like West Germany, East Germany also needed more workers to support its economy. Thus the GDR government signed an agreement with the Socialist Republic of Vietnam on the importation of contract....
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The Plight of Turkish Women in a Foreign Land (May 1, 1980)
The fact that most Turkish women – four out of five – were illiterate meant that it was particularly difficult for them to adapt to their new environment. Moreover, their social situation made integration....
1-10 of 16 documents