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A New Chapter in Economic Policy (March 21, 1962)
In this speech, Minister of Economics Ludwig Erhard appeals for reason and moderation and emphasizes the need for all social groups to work together on economic....
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Democracy in Jeopardy (October 29, 1962)
On October 10, 1962, the news magazine Der Spiegel published an article stating that the Bundeswehr was only conditionally prepared to defend the country against a nuclear attack [bedingt....
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The Spiegel Affair and the Strengths and Weaknesses of German Democracy (November 12, 1962)
The editor-in-chief of the conservative tabloid BILD-Zeitung joins in the nearly unanimous press condemnation of the investigation of Der Spiegel but stresses the strengths of West....
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Franco-German Friendship (1963)
After the federal government approved a preamble emphasizing Germany’s ties to NATO, the Bundestag ratified the Elysée Treaty. The treaty was not only of great symbolic and historic importance in....
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Farewell to Federal Chancellor Konrad Adenauer (October 15, 1963)
Eighty-seven year-old Konrad Adenauer, who had resigned only under pressure, is honored by Bundestag President Eugen Gerstenmaier....
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The End of Postwar History? (October 18, 1963)
In his first policy statement, Ludwig Erhard reviews Konrad Adenauer’s chancellorship and offers a sober analysis of the challenges....
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A Tribute to Ludwig Erhard (December 1, 1966)
Stagnating economic growth and budget deficits were further indications of Chancellor Ludwig Erhard’s weak leadership skills and the crisis brewing within the....
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The Birth of the Grand Coalition (December 13, 1966)
In his policy statement to the Bundestag, Chancellor Kurt Georg Kiesinger addressed mainly economic policy and foreign policy issues and signaled a change of....
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Protest against the State of Emergency Laws (May 28, 1968)
Hans Magnus Enzensberger’s speech reflects the growing political activism of many writers. Drawing parallels to the failed Revolution of 1848 and sharply criticizing....
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In Support of the Emergency Laws (May 15-16, 1968)
A member of the judiciary committee of the German Bundestag recapitulates the history of the emergency laws and defends them from criticism.....
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