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Julius Jolly, Former Prime Minister of Baden, on the Rights and Influence of Parliament in the System of Constitutional Monarchy (1880)
By the end of the 1870s, Bismarck's increasingly autocratic style of government had made it clear that the Reichstag would continuously have to fight for influence vis-à-vis the Reich and Prussian....
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Max von Forckenbeck to Franz von Stauffenberg on the Need for National Liberal Opposition (January 19, 1879)
By 1879 Bismarck was not only seeking to restrict the influence of the Reichstag but also concentrating on weakening the National Liberal Party by turning to conservative allies. In the following....
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Liberal Secessionists’ Declaration (August 30, 1880)
Bismarck's attempts to restrict constitutional liberties and his turn from free trade to protectionism increased pressure on the National Liberal Party to defend liberal principles. However, the....
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The Wife of the British Ambassador in Berlin Writes to Queen Victoria on Bismarck’s Political Omnipotence (December 27, 1880)
Lady Emily Russell was married to Britain’s ambassador to the German Empire (1871-1884), Lord Odo Russell (1829-1884). Whereas the German chancellor had been eager to rid himself of Russell’s predecessor,....
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Theodor Fontane, "Bismarck Is a Despot" (March 12, 1881)
Theodor Fontane (1819-1898) was a novelist and the most important Realist writer in Germany. The....
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Ludwig Bamberger on Hopes for Parliamentary Government under Kaiser Friedrich III (March 31, 1888)
Ludwig Bamberger (1823-1899) was a jurist, banker, publicist, and liberal politician. As a result of his role in the revolutionary events of 1848/49 he spent many years in exile: in Switzerland,....
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German Crown Princess Victoria Criticizes Bismarck’s Personal Regime as Dictatorial (1887-89)
German Crown Princess Victoria was the daughter of Britain’s Queen Victoria and married to Crown Prince Friedrich Wilhelm (1831-1888), who ruled as Kaiser Friedrich III for a mere 99 days before....
31-37 of 37 documents