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The Right of Complaint (1980)
In the 1950s, East German citizens were given the legal right to file complaints with state or social institutions – an option that citizens increasingly used as the last means for voicing their....
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The Social Welfare State in Crisis (July 27, 1981)
This article from Spiegel magazine notes that declining economic growth was making West Germany’s welfare system less and less viable. Nevertheless, politicians were unwilling to do anything....
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Honecker Reviews His Successes (April 17-21, 1986)
In this report presented to the 11th (and last) Party Congress of the SED, Honecker recounts the success of economic and social policies, despite the fact that they had failed to address the growing....
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Economic and Social Policy at the Local Level (1986)
In a book that became a GDR bestseller, Landolf Scherzer reports on the difficulties of party politics at the local level. In this account, the first district secretary of the SED in Bad Salzungen....
11-14 of 14 documents