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"Manifesto to the Governments and Peoples of the Christian Nations Threatened by Judaism": The First Anti-Jewish Congress in Dresden (September 11-12, 1882)

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So the Christian peoples ought to tackle the vigorous organization of this legal self-defensive movement; initiate intense agitation and powerful action in the parliaments, in district and municipal councils, in the press, and in public assemblies; found protective associations in cities and individual regions; and form central national committees to head these protective associations, which would be charged, in turn, with establishing international contact with all the different countries, the purpose being to paralyze the meticulous work of the “Alliance israélite universelle” through an “Alliance chrétienne universelle” to be founded sooner rather than later. And in this way, Christian society may win back – step by step and in every field – the positions from which Jewry has driven it.

Hopefully our appeal will not remain a cry in the wilderness, but will awaken Europe’s Christian society to the danger facing it, so that it will proceed at once to take the legal means of justified self-defense. If this happens, then, within a short time, the nineteenth century will be able to rid itself of the disgrace that an anti-cultural race of 7-8 million souls, namely the Semitic race of Jews, is tyrannizing the Aryan (or, through Christianity, Aryanized) race of 350 million souls on intellectual, moral, and financial levels – the very race that, by virtue of its intellectual and physical superiority, has been given the mission of spreading its seed, including its perfected civilization, to all parts of the world by means of victorious arms and works of peace.

And if this appeal meets with a response from the Christian nations and the word becomes the deed, then the second anti-Jewish congress gathering a year from now will already face a new situation changed in favor of the Christian peoples; and then it will raise its voice again concerning further measures.

And now, let’s get to work, Christian brothers!

The International Anti-Jewish Congress for the Protection of the Interests of Non-Jewish Society, held on September 11-12, 1882, in Dresden.

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