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Control Council Directive No. 38 (October 12, 1946)

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B. Miltarists

I. A Militarist is:
1. Anyone who sought to bring the life of the German people into line with a policy of militaristic force;
2. Anyone who advocated or is responsible for the domination of foreign peoples, their exploitation or displacement; or
3. Any who, for these purposes, promoted armament.

II. Militarists are in particular the following persons, insofar as they are not major offenders:
1. Anyone who, by word or deed, established or disseminated militaristic doctrines or programs or was active in any organization (except the Wehrmacht) serving the advancement of militaristic ideas.
2. Anyone who before 1935 organized or participated in the organization of the systematic training of youth for war;
3. Anyone who, exercising the power of command, is responsible for the wanton devastation, after the invasion of Germany, of cities and country places;
4. Anyone without regard to his rank who as a member of the Armed Forces (Wehrmacht), the Reich Labor Service (Reichsarbeitsdienst), the Organization Todt (OT), or Transport Group Speer, abused his official authority to obtain personal advantages or brutally to mistreat subordinates;
5. Anyone whose past training and activities in the General Staff Corps or otherwise has in the opinion of Zone Commanders contributed towards the promotion of militarism and who the Zone Commanders consider likely to endanger Allied purposes.

C. Profiteers

I. A profiteer is:
Anyone who, by use of his political position or connections, gained personal or economic advantages for himself or others from the national socialistic tyranny, the rearmament, or the war.

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