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Constitution of the German Empire (April 16, 1871)

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Art. 64
All German troops are bound to obey the commands of the Emperor unconditionally. This duty is to be specified in the banner-oath.

The Commander-in-Chief of a contingent, likewise all officers who command troops of more than one contingent and all commanders of fortresses are appointed by the Emperor. The officers appointed by the Emperor take the banner-oath to him. The appointments of Generals and officers acting as Generals within the contingents are at all times subject to the approbation of the Emperor.

The Emperor has the right, for purposes of transfer with or without promotion, to select, for such appointments as are to be made by him in the service of the Reich, whether in the Prussian army or in other contingents, from the officers of all the contingents of the army of the Reich.

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Art. 66
Where nothing to the contrary is stipulated by particular conventions, the sovereign heads of the Federation or the senates appoint the officers of their respective contingents, subject to the restriction of Art. 64. They are the chiefs of all the divisions of troops belonging to their territories, and enjoy the honours connected therewith. They have especially the right of inspection at all times and receive, besides the regular reports and announcements of alterations which take place, timely information, for the purpose of governmental publication, of all promotions or nominations among the respective troops.

Likewise they have the right to make use, for purposes of policing, not only their own troops, but also to make requisition for any other division of troops of the Reich army which may be located in their territories.

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Section XII. Finances of the Empire

Art. 69
All the receipts and disbursements of the Reich must be estimated for each year, and be brought into the Reich estimates. These are to be fixed by a law before the beginning of the financial year, according to the following principles.

Art. 70
To provide for all common expenses, any balances of the preceding year are first of all employed, and likewise the common revenues derived from the duties, the common consumption taxes, and from the postal and telegraphic services. In so far as they cannot be provided for by these revenues they are, as long as Reich taxes are not introduced, to be met by contributions from the single States of the Federation, in proportion to their population, which contributions to the amount estimated in the budget will be assessed by the Reichskanzler.

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