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Franz Perrot’s "Era Articles" Attacking Bismarck’s Ministry, Liberals, and the Jews (June 29 - July 1, 1875)

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At the same time, if the monetary and economic policy of the German Reich always gave the impression of being Jewish policy (i.e. of policy and legislation made by and for Jews), then this is also easily explicable, since the spiritual father of this policy, Herr G. v. Bleichröder, is a Jew himself and the minority of banking businesses operated by Christian owners only carries out, and is able to carry out, the policy of the banking majority; likewise every aspect of management and leadership in this area rests entirely with our fellow citizens of the Jewish faith. On top of that, at the same time, our fellow citizens of the Semitic race and the Jewish faith have taken over the intellectual leadership of the legislative activity in our representative bodies – with the exception, of course, of the Upper House. After all, Messrs Lasker, Bamberger, and their close friend, Mr. H. B. Oppenheim (who, admittedly, has only recently made it into the Reichstag) are Jews, and they are the actual leaders of the “national liberal” majority in the Reichstag. In this scenario, Mr. Miquel represents the Christian minority of banker’s liberalism, which goes through thick and thin with the Semitic leadership. The new German legislation favoring our German banking businesses – which, as mentioned, are mostly in the hands of Jews – is desired and planned by the ruling circle of bankers, with support from the Jewish leaders of our parliamentary politics in the manner described above, and is supported, propagated, and promoted with untiring zeal and often with great skill by the so-called national liberal press, [allowing it to] echo with a thousand voices throughout Germany . This press is, at least regarding most of its leading organs, partly dependent on and partly influenced by our fellow citizens of the Jewish faith.

The term “Jewish policy” that we used earlier is not familiar to the German public and even appears inadmissible to the majority. This has very obvious reasons. After all, currently, we are actually ruled by the Jews. In a proper appreciation of the circumstances, they do not want the German public of the Christian faith, whom they rule, to notice the golden strings being pulled behind the scenes, the means by which the skillfully designed mechanism of the existing monetary governance is controlled. At any rate, the public of Christian faith and German nationality is not supposed to recognize and become familiar with that governance for as long as possible. For at the very moment when the Christian German population realizes that the Jews in Germany, as everywhere else, are systematically advancing a very skillful and comprehensively designed policy that is geared almost exclusively toward the benefit of our fellow citizens of the Jewish faith and Jewish nationality – at that very moment, we say, when the Christian German population realizes this fact, there will certainly have to be a reaction against the very subtly and cleverly combined stock market policy. Moreover, the position of the Jews in our political affairs cannot thereafter remain untouched by this event.

However, our so-called national liberal press, which is basically thoroughly Jewish and stock market-oriented, does as much as it can to prevent the German public from acquiring such insight. Consequently, in order not to be regarded as ignorant zealots on the one hand or un-Christian, intolerant antisemitic agitators on the other, we will probably have to use facts to drive home the point more clearly than these brief suggestions allow.

Source: Neue Preußische (Kreuz-) Zeitung (Berlin), June 29-July 1, 1875.

Original German text reprinted in Franz Perrot, Bismarck und die Juden. "Papierpest" und “Aera-Artikel von 1875” [Bismarck and the Jews. “Paper Pestilence” and “Era Articles” from 1875] Supplemented by Karl Perrot. New edition with an introduction and a postscript by L. Feldmüller-Perrot. Berlin: Max Galle, 1931, pp. 271-80, here pp. 271-72.

Translation: Erwin Fink

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