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Report by Alfred Wetzler and Rudolf Vrba, two Escapees from Auschwitz (Late April 1944)

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c. 38,400 – 39,200

800 naturalized French Jews, a great many of whom were destroyed in the way described above.

c. 39,200 – 40,000

800 Gentile Poles, political prisoners in protective custody.

c. 40,000 – 40,150

150 Slovak Jews with their families. With the exception of 50 women, who were sent to the women's camp, the majority of the transport was gassed in the birchwood. Among the 150 men were Zucker and Vilmos Sonnenschein, both from Eastern Slovakia.

c. 40,150 – 43,800

Almost 4000 naturalized French Jews, mostly intellectuals. About 1000 women of this transport went to the camp and 3000 persons were gassed in the birchwood.

c. 43,800 – 44,200

400 Slovak Jews from the Lublin camp, including Matyas Klein and Meilech Laufer, both from Eastern Slovakia. This transport arrived on 30 June 1942.

c. 44,200 – 45,000

This transport contained 1000 persons. A few women were sent to the women's camp and all others went to the birchwood. Among the men sent to the camp were Jozsef Zelmanovies, from Snina; Adolf Kahan, from Bratislava; Walter Reichmann, from Sucany; and Eszter Kahan from Bratislava. I had occasion to speak with the latter on 1 April 1944. She is block-inspector in the women's camp.

c. 45,000 – 47,000

2000 French Gentiles, including communists and other political prisoners, among them the brothers of Thorez and Leon Blum. The latter were specially tortured, and then gassed and cremated.

c. 47,000 – 47,500

500 Dutch Jews, among them many German emigres. About 250 persons from this transport went to the birchwood.

c. 47,500 – 47,800

About 300 Russian civilians (Schutzrussen).

c. 48,300 (sic) – 48,620

320 Slovak Jews. About 70 women went to the camp and
the remainder of the transport of 650 persons were sent to the birchwood. This transport contained 80 persons who were deported to Sered n/V. by the Hungarian police. In this group were:

Dr. Zoltan Mandel of Presov, who later died; Holz (first name unknown), a butcher from Pistany who was later sent to Warsaw; Miklos Engel of Zilina; Chaim Katz of Snina, whose wife and six children have been gassed, and who at the present time works at the morgue.

c. 49,000 – 64,800

15,000 naturalized French, Belgian, and Dutch Jews. This number accounts for no more than ten percent of the transports arriving between 1 June and 15 September 1942. Most of these were large family transports, many of their members being sent directly to the birchwood. The Sonderkommando* which did the gassing and cremating worked day and night shifts. At this time Jews were gassed and burned by hundreds of thousands.

c. 64,800 – 65,000

About 200 Slovak Jews. Some 100 women were sent to the women's camp, the others going to the birchwoods. Among those coming to the camp were:

Lajos Katz from Zilina;
Avri Burger (his wife died) from Bratislava-Poprad;
Miklos Steiner, from Bystrica n/V.;
Gyorgy Fried, from Trencin; Buchwald [sic];
Jozsef Rosenwasser, from Eastern Slovakia;
Gyula Neumann, from Bardejov;
Sandor and Mihaly Wertheimer, from Verbo; and
Bela Blau, from Zilina.

c. 65,000 – 68,000

Naturalized French, Belgian, and Dutch Jews. About 1000 women were sent to the women's camp and a minimum of 3000 persons were gassed.

c. 68,000 – 70,500

2500 German Jews from the Sachsenhaus reception-center.

c. 71,000 – 80,000

Naturalized French, Belgian, and Dutch Jews. Not more than ten percent of those arriving were sent to the camp. The number exterminated is conservatively estimated at 65,000-70,000.

* Labor gangs with special assignments – footnote in original document.

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