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The Antiauthoritarian Manifesto of the Situationist Avant Garde (January 1961)

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13. The sentence “Knowledge is power,” which ushered in the age of science, shall be followed by the sentence “Fun is power,” ushering in the age of fun.

14. Just as Marx derived a revolution from science, we derive a revolution from fun.

15. The socialist revolution misused artists. The one-sidedness of these subversions was due to the separation of work and fun. A revolution without fun is no revolution.

16. There is no artistic freedom without the power of fun.

17. All discontented forces are gathering into an organization of anti-organizers, who will manifest themselves through a general revolution.

18. In all seriousness we are calling for fun. We demand urban fun, as well as unitary, total, real, imaginary, sexual, irrational, integral, military, political, psychological, philosophical … fun.

19. The implementation of Situationist Fun will solve all the problems in the world: the East-West conflict, the Algerian conflict, the Congolese conflict, rioting by young hooligans, blasphemy trials, and sexual repression.

20. We are engaging the entire world for our fun! January 1961

The “Gruppe Spur”
Sturm, Prem, Fischer, Kunzelmann, Zimmer

Source: Gruppe Spur [Helmut Sturm, Heimrad Prem, Lothar Fischer, Dieter Kunzelmann, Hans-Peter Zimmer], “January Manifesto” (January 1961); reprinted in Jürgen Miermeister and Jochen Staadt, eds., Provokationen. Die Studenten- und Jugendrevolte in ihren Flugblättern 1865-1971 [Provocations. The Student and Youth Revolts in their Leaflets 1865-1971] Darmstadt, 1980, pp. 13-14.

Translation: Allison Brown

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