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91.   Social Policy and Economic Planning (April 28, 1972)
Honecker’s new political emphasis on the “unity of economic and social policy” took the Five-Year Plan as an example and promised increased benefits for retired workers, mothers, and young married....
92.   An East German Manager Explains the Advantages of a Kombinat (July 24, 1972)
To convince the East German public of the benefits of "socialist rationalization," Wolfgang Biermann, the director of a machine tool factory, explains the benefits of a Kombinat, or combine.....
93.   The Catholic Church, Abortion, and the Election Campaign (August 31, 1972)
The Central Committee of the Catholic Church condemns the ongoing legal and moral decay of society, which it believed the state was doing too little to combat. This criticism was part of the campaign....
94.   The Day-to-Day Problems of Running the Country (September 19, 1972)
Incumbent chancellor Willy Brandt offers a self-critical examination of his first three years in office. Conceding that the great expectations placed upon him....
95.   A Conservative Journalist Criticizes the Disappearance of the Term "Germany" (1972)
The conservative journalist Matthias Walden inveighs against the disappearance of the term “Germany” as a result of the de facto recognition of “the GDR” as denoting the East and “the FRG”....
96.   The Basic Treaty (December 21, 1972)
The Basic Treaty [Grundlagenvertrag] aimed to establish good neighborly relations between both German states and granted de facto, albeit not de jure, legal recognition to the....
97.   Great Britain Remains Skeptical of Europe (January 2, 1973)
After France lifted its veto, Great Britain joined the European Community together with Denmark and Ireland on....
98.   Still Taboo despite Reforms (March 12, 1973)
When laws covering sexual offenses were liberalized, legislators once again reformed Paragraph 175, making only homosexual acts with young people punishable by law. This Spiegel article analyzes....
99.   Social Welfare State Based on the Rule of Law (April 4, 1973)
In 1972, the federal government submitted a bill on social law but ultimately deferred it. A year later, Walter Arendt, Federal Minister of Labor and Social Affairs,....
100.   The Struggle for Codetermination and the Group University (May 29, 1973)
In 1971, the federal state of Lower Saxony changed its system of governance for universities and other institutions of higher education. The new system dealt a blow to the traditional “professors’....
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