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191-200 of 238 documents < previous  |  next > 
191.   Joschka Fischer becomes the First Green Minister of the Environment (November 4, 1985)
In the fall of 1985, the news magazine Spiegel featured Joschka Fischer as the first minister of the environment from the Green Party in the state of Hesse.....
192.   A Female Engineer Reports (1986)
Putting equality of men and women into practice also proved difficult in the GDR. This account by a female engineer in Bad Salzungen paints a realistic picture of the situation....
193.   A Western Observer on East German Passive Resistance (1982)
A Western observer describes the lack of work-ethic in the GDR, where all performance incentives were missing. While perilous for the East German economy, the citizens’ disinterest in work served....
194.   Economic and Social Policy at the Local Level (1986)
In a book that became a GDR bestseller, Landolf Scherzer reports on the difficulties of party politics at the local level. In this account, the first district secretary of the SED in Bad Salzungen....
195.   Federal President Richard von Weizsäcker on the Meaning of Being German (1986)
In this wide-ranging reflection, Federal President Richard von Weizsäcker tries to provide a positive answer to the question of what it means to be German by....
196.   Peace and Human Rights (1986)
In November 1985, after a human rights seminar planned by various East Berlin peace groups was canceled at the last minute under pressure from the Ministry for State Security [the Stasi], preparation....
197.   The Single European Act (February 17/28, 1986)
Nearly thirty years after the original treaties, the Single European Act proclaimed the completion of the common market within six years. In addition, the authority of the European Community would....
198.   Honecker Reviews His Successes (April 17-21, 1986)
In this report presented to the 11th (and last) Party Congress of the SED, Honecker recounts the success of economic and social policies, despite the fact that they had failed to address the growing....
199.   Poem about the Chernobyl Catastrophe (May 23, 1986)
A long-feared nuclear disaster became a reality with the meltdown of a reactor in Chernobyl, Ukraine. The environmental movement spoke to the terrible consequences of the accident in the following....
200.   A Liberal Western Journalist Praises the Progress of the GDR (1986)
As a strong supporter of East-West détente, the liberal journalist Theo Sommer presents a rather positive picture of East Germany’s progress – one that emphasizes advances in material consumption....
191-200 of 238 documents < previous  |  next >