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151-160 of 238 documents < previous  |  next > 
151.   The Plight of Turkish Women in a Foreign Land (May 1, 1980)
The fact that most Turkish women – four out of five – were illiterate meant that it was particularly difficult for them to adapt to their new environment. Moreover, their social situation made integration....
152.   The Anti-Nuclear "Free Republic of Wendland" (May 30, 1980)
In order to prevent the federal government from establishing a permanent nuclear waste facility outside the town of Gorleben in Lower Saxony, five thousand environmental activists “occupied” a piece....
153.   Currency Problems Faced by East German Vacationers (August 30, 1980)
A West German observer describes the difficulties faced by a growing number of East German tourists abroad. The problems were caused by the weakness of the GDR currency and the superior wealth of....
154.   The Krefeld Appeal (November 1980)
The Krefeld Appeal called on the federal government to withdraw its support for NATO's Dual-Track....
155.   An Outside Analysis of Right-Wing Extremism in the FRG (November 30, 1980)
A terror attack allegedly carried out by right-wing extremists killed 13 people and wounded another 200 at Munich’s Oktoberfest in 1980. The attack prompted a thorough analysis of the rise of right-wing....
156.   Shortages Complicate Christmas Shopping in East Germany (December 21, 1980)
As this West Berlin journalist reports, continuing supply bottlenecks in the planned economy made Christmas shopping in the GDR a nerve-wracking experience. Widespread shortages belied Communist....
157.   The Green Party Program at the Federal Level (1981)
A loose coalition of disparate environmental groups, including both conservationists and social revolutionaries, founded a Green....
158.   Young Christians Propose a "Social Peace Service" as an Alternative to Compulsory Military Duty (December 7, 1982)
Taking the peace propaganda of the SED at it face value, young Christians proposed a “social peace service” as an alternative to compulsory military service. They wanted to express their opposition....
159.   Comments on the Rapid Rise of Nuclear Fears (June 15, 1981)
In this op-ed piece, a critical journalist reflects on the proliferation of fears of nuclear annihilation in Germany. Such fears linked environmental protest with a growing peace....
160.   The Social Welfare State in Crisis (July 27, 1981)
This article from Spiegel magazine notes that declining economic growth was making West Germany’s welfare system less and less viable. Nevertheless, politicians were unwilling to do anything....
151-160 of 238 documents < previous  |  next >