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141-150 of 238 documents < previous  |  next > 
141.   Racist Attacks against the Naturalization of Foreigners (September 14, 1979)
During the recession that followed the second oil shock, neo-Nazis started using xenophobic slogans in their publications. It was an effort to exploit widespread fears of unemployment and to tap....
142.   Robert Havemann's "Ten Theses" on the Thirtieth Anniversary of the GDR (September 1, 1979)
In an article written on the occasion of the thirtieth anniversary of the GDR, natural scientist Robert Havemann, East Germany’s most prominent dissident, praises....
143.   NATO's Dual-Track Decision (December 12, 1979)
NATO foreign and defense ministers convened a special meeting in 1979 to discuss the arms buildup in the Soviet Union and the states of the Soviet-led Warsaw Pact. In response, they adopted the
144.   The Government Warns of New Racial Arrogance (December 12, 1979)
In response to a mounting wave of xenophobic sentiment, Heinz Kühn, the Federal Government Commissioner for Foreigners’ Affairs, called the Federal Republic an....
145.   The Western Alliance and NATO's Dual-Track Decision (December 14, 1979)
This article in the conservative daily Die Welt defends NATO 's Dual-Track Decision,....
146.   Interview with an East German Environmental Initiative in Schwerin (1980)
Acting under the auspices of the Protestant Churches, East German youths began to address environmental problems....
147.   Rock 'n' Roll and German Teenagers (Retrospective Account, 1980)
Musician Udo Lindenberg describes the electrifying impact that Elvis’s music had on him the first time he heard it on the radio. For Lindenberg, then a teenager,....
148.   The Bielefeld Appeal (December 1980)
To distance themselves from charges that the peace movement had been infiltrated by Communists, various Social Democratic groups signed the Bielefeld Appeal, which reiterated the goals of the
149.   The Right of Complaint (1980)
In the 1950s, East German citizens were given the legal right to file complaints with state or social institutions – an option that citizens increasingly used as the last means for voicing their....
150.   Agreement between the GDR and Vietnam on the Importation of Contract Labor (April 11, 1980)
Like West Germany, East Germany also needed more workers to support its economy. Thus the GDR government signed an agreement with the Socialist Republic of Vietnam on the importation of contract....
141-150 of 238 documents < previous  |  next >