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131-140 of 238 documents < previous  |  next > 
131.   Military Instruction and the Protestant Churches (June 14, 1978)
The introduction of military instruction for ninth- and tenth-graders in polytechnic secondary schools....
132.   Government Advice on German Behavior Abroad (August 3, 1978)
A journalist pokes fun at a campaign by the Federal Press Office. The campaign urged German tourists to behave well during foreign vacations, so as not to bolster anti-German prejudices in neighboring....
133.   A Traditionalist Pleads for a More Positive Memory of Prussia (October 21, 1978)
When even the East German government began to sponsor a return to progressive Prussian traditions, the conservative journalist Günther Zehm called for a similar abandoning of militarism-cum-authoritarianism....
134.   Reasons for Immigrant Youth Criminality (November 16, 1978)
Liberal-minded commentators attributed immigrant youths’ tendency toward criminal behavior to multiple factors, including ineffective or insufficient social integration, failure....
135.   The European Monetary System (December 6, 1978)
In this speech to the Bundestag, Chancellor Helmut Schmidt, one of the architects of the European Monetary System, explains why the system was established and....
136.   Dolf Sternberger Describes the Term "Constitutional Patriotism" (1979)
As a replacement for discredited nationalism, political scientist Dolf Sternberger suggests “constitutional patriotism.” In doing so, he offers a democratic basis for loyalty to the Federal Republic....
137.   The Emotional Impact of the Broadcast of "Holocaust," an American TV Miniseries, in the Federal Republic (1979)
The Jewish historian Julius H. Schoeps describes the emotional outpouring prompted by the broadcast....
138.   Young Socialists Criticize the SPD's Lack of a Strategy vis-à-vis the Ecology Movement (1979)
In a position paper, the chairman of the Young Socialists (and later chancellor) Gerhard Schröder comments on the initial electoral success of the “Greens”....
139.   A Shortage of Everyday Commodities (May 15, 1979)
These reports from local functionaries in the SED start off by dutifully emphasizing the populace’s broad approval of the party’s social policy; yet they also convey the harsh criticisms voiced by....
140.   Chancellor Helmut Schmidt Outlines His Program for Combating the Second Energy Crisis (July 2, 1979)
On the return flight from an economic summit in Tokyo, Chancellor Helmut Schmidt shared his ideas for combating the renewed increase in oil prices with a journalist.....
131-140 of 238 documents < previous  |  next >