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121-130 of 238 documents < previous  |  next > 
121.   An East German Definition of Human Rights as Based on Social Equality (September 16, 1976)
An East Berlin newspaper article describes the SED’s understanding of human rights, emphasizing the importance of equality and security as opposed to political liberty. The article also underscores....
122.   Constitutional Implications of the Campaign against Nuclear Power (November 3, 1976)
A liberal commentator reflects on the ironies of a citizens’ movement that worked against the decisions of democratically elected bodies. He criticizes the costly use....
123.   Leading GDR Writers Protest the Expatriation of Wolf Biermann (November 17, 1976)
When the GDR government expatriated Wolf Biermann, a popular singer and critic of the regime, a dozen prominent writers dared to protest the arbitrary action.....
124.   A Communist Idealist Criticizes the "Real Existing Socialism" of the GDR (1977)
Because the GDR was ending neither the exploitation of workers nor the arms race, the ethical Marxist Rudolf Bahro criticized the post-Stalinist version of “real....
125.   Petition for an Exit Visa (April 20, 1977)
Manfred Krug’s career in East Germany came to an abrupt end in 1976 when he signed a petition protesting the expulsion of songwriter Wolf....
126.   Women's Liberation Gaining Ground (April 22, 1977)
Despite prevailing policies and contrary to social norms, West Germany continued to see a trend towards single lifestyles and a decline....
127.   A Radical Rethinks Terrorist Violence after the Murder of Federal Prosecutor Siegfried Buback (April 25, 1977)
Chief federal prosecutor Siegfried Buback was murdered by the Red Army Faction [Rote Armee Fraktion....
128.   The Protestant Compromise with the East German State (1977)
When East German Protestant church leaders severed their organizational ties with the West German Church one of the last remaining connections between the two Germanies succumbed to the pressures....
129.   Civic Movements between Peaceful Protest and Outbreaks of Violence (August 5, 1977)
One of the leading West German journalists analyzes the broad spectrum of participants in citizens’ movements,....
130.   Cultural Federalism on the Defensive (April 20-21, 1978)
After efforts to introduce the comprehensive school [Gesamtschule] proved unsuccessful, the West German government issued a “Structural Report” that criticized the incoherence of the country’s....
121-130 of 238 documents < previous  |  next >