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101-110 of 238 documents < previous  |  next > 
101.   Constitutionality of the Basic Treaty (July 31, 1973)
The Federal Constitutional Court rejected a suit filed by the state of Bavaria, which had obtained a temporary injunction to keep the Basic....
102.   Walter Ulbricht: A Communist Biography (1973)
On the occasion of Walter Ulbricht’s death, a West German journalist analyzes his political development, his importance in postwar East German history, his relationship....
103.   The Two German States in the United Nations (September 19, 1973)
The Basic Treaty [Grundlagenvertrag], which regulated relations between the two German states, ended East Germany’s international isolation. On the occasion of the two states’ entry into the....
104.   Expansion of the Welfare State (September 24, 1973)
The welfare state was further expanded under the social-liberal coalition, but politicians from all political camps – and economics experts, in particular – began to voice criticism, questioning....
105.   Origins, Motives, and Structures of Citizens' Initiatives (October 27, 1973)
When local politicians started making controversial decisions that harmed citizens’ quality of life – like building super-highways through residential neighborhoods – citizens began to form single-issue....
106.   A West German Journalist Ponders the Implications of the Oil Shock (November 15, 1973)
In the fall of 1973, the cartel of oil-exporting countries (OPEC) decided on a ten-fold increase in the price of oil. In the following op-ed piece, the well-known leftist columnist Sebastian Haffner....
107.   The West German "Ban on Driving Motor Vehicles" (November 20, 1973)
In order to reduce oil consumption, the social-liberal government of the Federal Republic issued an executive order forbidding the use of cars on four consecutive Sundays....
108.   A Sociological Analysis of the Spread of Affluence (1974)
In the early 1970s, economic growth in the Federal Republic led to significant increases in wages and social welfare payments, prompting sociologist M. Rainer Lepsius to speak of the emergence of....
109.   On the Road to Socialist Economic Integration? (1974)
COMECON only adopted a charter in 1959, ten years after its founding. The amendments passed in 1962....
110.   Taking Stock of the Federal Government’s Social Policy (May 17, 1974)
In his inaugural address to the Bundestag, newly elected chancellor Helmut Schmidt takes stock of the achievements of the SPD-FDP coalition, giving particular....
101-110 of 238 documents < previous  |  next >