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Felix Gilbert on Berlin as the Cultural Capital (Retrospective Account, 1988)
Berlin was cultural capital of the Weimar Republic as well as the political one. Berlin’s theatrical landscape made that more than clear: in 1927, the city’s 49 theaters offered a total of 47,000....
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Stefan George, "The War" (1917)
Many of the poems included in The New Empire [Das neue Reich] were originally published between 1914 and 1919 in Blätter für die Kunst, the literary magazine founded by Stefan....
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Arnold Brecht on the Final Weeks of the War (Retrospective Account, 1966)
In September 1918, after months and years of propagating Germany’s military victories, the Supreme Army Command suddenly demanded the negotiation of an armistice with the Allies and the formation....
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Arnold Brecht on the November Revolution (Retrospective Account, 1966)
On October 22, 1918, the Naval Command began gathering the German battle fleet in the harbor of Wilhelmshaven. Without having secured government authorization, the command decided to dispatch the....