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91.   Original and Edited Versions of the Ems Dispatch (July 13, 1870)
In June 1870, the throne of Spain was offered to Prince Leopold of Hohenzollern-Sigmaringen (1835-1905), a relative of King Wilhelm I of Prussia. Leopold accepted the candidacy, which was ultimately....
92.   Ferdinand Freiligrath, "Hurrah, Germania!" (July 25, 1870)
The liberal and democratic views of author Ferdinand Freiligrath (1810-1876) prompted censors to ban his poems in the 1840s. Freiligrath emigrated to London in 1846. Two years later, he returned....
93.   Theodor Fontane on German Sentiment during the War with France (August 5, 1870)
Regarded by many as the most important German-language realist writer of the nineteenth century, Theodor....
94.   Negotiating Kaiserdom: Letter from Bismarck to King Ludwig II of Bavaria (November 27, 1870)
The German Empire was formally founded as a union of federal states whose special interests and sensibilities had to be respected. This applied particularly to Bavaria, the second largest German....
95.   Final Discussions before the Proclamation of the German Empire (January 17-18, 1871)
Although the dynastic foundations of Imperial Germany had already been agreed upon by early January 1871, the entire project almost foundered at the eleventh hour on the resistance of the designated....
96.   Nominal Wages, Cost of Living, and Real Wages in Industry, Trade, and Transportation (1871-1913)
The real impact of wage fluctuations can only be appreciated when “nominal” (i.e., actual) wages and changes in the cost of living are taken into account. For example, if a worker’s nominal....
97.   Population Density by Federal State and Prussian Province (1871-1910)
The population of Germany increased from about 41 million in 1871 to almost 65 million in 1910. Together with rapid....
98.   Population Distribution by Size of Locality: German Reich, Prussian Provinces, and Federal States (1871-1910)
In 1871, almost two-thirds (63.9%) of the German population lived in villages with fewer than 2,000 inhabitants. By 1910, that figure had fallen to 40 percent. In that same interval, the percentage....
99.   Practical Courses Offered by the Vocational Schools of the Lette Association (1871-1872; 1879)
In nineteenth-century Germany, women were not yet admitted to university studies. However, their education became more important and attracted more public discussion as the century wore on. Whereas....
100.   Receipt of Monies from France and Expenditures in Germany from the French War Indemnity (1870s)
After victory in 1871, the Germans imposed the unheard-of sum of five billion francs as a war indemnity on defeated France. This table details both revenues and expenses as this enormous influx of....
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