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71-80 of 249 documents < previous  |  next > 
71.   Electoral Law for the Reichstag of the North German Confederation (May 31, 1869)
After excluding Austria from Germany in 1866, Prussia achieved virtual hegemony over the North German Confederation. By the end of 1867 Germans had already trouped to the polls twice to elect members....
72.   Law on Freedom of Religion (July 3, 1869)
Apart from introducing direct universal suffrage in the North German Confederation, Bismarck sought to win over his left-wing opponents with many other liberalizing measures. The law concerning equal....
73.   Emil Lehmann’s Petition to Improve the Legal Rights of Jews in Saxony (November 25, 1869)
Emil Lehmann (1829-1898) was a Dresden lawyer and the first Jew to be elected (in 1865) to Dresden’s....
74.   A Journeyman Bookbinder (c. 1870)
This excerpt from a bookbinder’s memoirs offers a view into the German guild system, more specifically, the intricate initiation rituals it imposed on job-seeking, itinerant journeymen up until 1870.....
75.   A Tailor in a Small Pomeranian Town (1870s)
Franz Rehbein (1867-1909) was a farm laborer whose principal legacy was his autobiography—one of the rare personal testimonies of the agrarian working class of the late nineteenth century. Rehbein’s....
76.   Artisanal Masters Oppose the Rise of Factory Work in Krefeld (1870s)
In contrast to countries like Great Britain, which experienced industrialization early on, Germany first saw a massive shift from small artisanal workshops to large factories in the second half of....
77.   Flax Cultivation on the Lüneburg Heath (1870s)
In the 1870s, mechanization was still underdeveloped in most parts of rural Germany, and farming was closely linked to seasonal cycles: summer entailed long, outdoor workdays, while indoor tasks....
78.   Horse-Drawn Trolleys and Carriages in Berlin (1870)
Though many major train lines already existed in 1870, the electrification of the expanding public transportation system was still a way off. The primary mode of passenger transportation continued....
79.   Interior of a Leipzig Law Professor's Home (1870s-1880s)
This description of a Leipzig law professor's home was written from the critical perspective of his own son. It illustrates how, in the decade following unification, the rising class of professionals....
80.   Jacob Burckhardt on German Sentiment during and after the War with France (1870-72)
Like Theodor Fontane (1819-1898), ....
71-80 of 249 documents < previous  |  next >