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211-220 of 249 documents < previous  |  next > 
211.   Arno Holz, Naturalist Poet, on German Technological Progress (1885)
Arno Holz (1863-1929) was an important representative of Naturalism in German poetry. Beginning in 1881, Holz worked first as a journalist in Berlin, then as an author. He joined the Berlin Association....
212.   Paul de Lagarde on Liberalism, Education, and the Jews: German Writings (1886)
Paul de Lagarde (1827-1891) was a theologian and orientalist; he became professor of oriental languages at the University of Göttingen in 1869. Politically, he was a conservative and a virulent antisemite:....
213.   The Double Standard: Marital Infidelity among Men and Women (1886)
The double standard for men and women with respect to marital infidelity that has attracted such attention in the case of Victorian Britain was also much discussed in Bismarckian Germany. In this....
214.   Bismarck’s Speech to the Prussian House of Deputies on the "Polish Question" (January 28, 1886)
Bismarck’s Kulturkampf (“cultural struggle”) against the Catholic Church included – and at times appeared driven by – a determined effort to undermine Polish nationalism in Prussia’s eastern....
215.   Child Labor on a Pomeranian Estate and its Effects on School Lessons (1887)
In rural areas, proper schooling for underprivileged children continued to be less a universal right than a privilege. This report from the Prussian backwoods province of Pomerania shows that children....
216.   Food Expenditures of Two Working-Class Families (1887-1888)
In the 1870s and 1880s the cost of food accounted for about 60% of the total expenditures of a typical working-class family – with some fluctuation based on total family income and the number of....
217.   Founding Manifesto of the Protestant League (1887); Statistics on Membership (1887-1913)
The Protestant League [Evangelischer Bund] was an anti-Catholic propaganda organization that first became active after the Kulturkampf (“cultural struggle”) between the Prussian state....
218.   Gustav Freytag on the Moral Verdict Delivered by Victory over France (1887)
Gustav Freytag (1816-1895) belonged to the first tier of German journalists, novelists, and political publicists in the third quarter of the nineteenth century. Raised in an upper middle-class Prussian....
219.   Ferdinand Avenarius on the Fine Arts: Inaugural Issue of Der Kunstwart (October 1, 1887)
Ferdinand Avenarius (1856-1923) studied science, philosophy, literature, and art history. In the 1880s, he worked as an author and publicist in Dresden. In 1887 he founded the magazine Der Kunstwart....
220.   "We Germans Fear God and Nothing Else in the World!": Bismarck Addresses the Reichstag (February 6, 1888)
The text below is an extract from one of Bismarck’s most famous speeches. “We Germans fear God and nothing else in the world!” – this line was remembered and commemorated ad nauseum by German....
211-220 of 249 documents < previous  |  next >