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201-210 of 249 documents < previous  |  next > 
201.   A Workplace Accident: A Hamburg Shoemaker’s Plea for Assistance and a Senator’s Response (1883-84)
Before Bismarck’s health, accident, disability, and pension insurance were introduced in the 1880s, any sudden calamity or career interruption brought with it the possibility of immediate hardship....
202.   The Rural Landlord and "His" People (c. 1883)
In his Memoirs (1936), Elard von Oldenburg-Januschau (1855-1937) draws upon his own experiences (c. 1883) to argue that the selection of obedient, resident farm laborers was essential for....
203.   Changes in German Vernacular Language (1884)
Commenting on contemporary developments in linguistic usage – not in literature but in everyday life – the Kassel lawyer and liberal parliamentarian Otto Bähr (1817-1895) identifies the most important....
204.   Occupation of Fathers of Illegitimate Children Born in Leipzig (1884 and 1891)
In 1870-1871, 10-12% of all births in Germany were illegitimate; five years later this figure stood at about 8-10%, roughly where it remained until 1914. As was the case for centuries, illegitimate....
205.   Paths to Entrepreneurial Success: A Banker’s Advice (1884)
By the 1880s, Germany’s “second industrial revolution” was beginning to spawn new industries such as petrochemicals and electronics. These underwent rapid growth and directly contributed to Germany’s....
206.   The Influence of Lending Libraries on the Sale of Novels (1884)
Lending libraries exerted a strong influence on German reading habits throughout the nineteenth century, but, as this document shows, their impact was not uncontroversial. In these years, a typical....
207.   Uneconomic Lifestyles of Workers, as Reported by Bourgeois Critics (1884 and 1889)
Working-class poverty and lifestyle reform became favorite topics of bourgeois critics, who generally felt that workers had only to apply bourgeois virtues to improve their lot. In these passages....
208.   Bismarck’s Reichstag Speech on the Law for Workers’ Compensation (March 15, 1884)
Part of the social welfare legislation announced in Kaiser Wilhelm I’s Royal Proclamation of November 17, 1881 was a workers’ compensation law, which passed only on the third attempt, in 1884. The....
209.   Bismarck on "Pragmatic" Colonization (June 26, 1884)
Bismarck disliked the idea of acquiring formal colonies because they promised large expenditures, meager profits, and diplomatic complications. Nevertheless, in the early 1880s the colonial propaganda....
210.   "It's Amazingly Rare that I get an Egg!" Breakfast for a Leipzig Working-Class Family (mid-1880s)
Working-class families spent a larger portion of their income on food than families from the....
201-210 of 249 documents < previous  |  next >