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191-200 of 249 documents < previous  |  next > 
191.   Declaration of 75 Notables against Antisemitism (November 12, 1880)
Theodor Mommsen (1817-1903) was a historian, classical scholar, and politician. He was even....
192.   Ernst Henrici Addresses Berlin Antisemites in the Reichshall Meeting: A Report in the Tribune (December 1880)
The 1880s saw the rise of increasingly racialist variants of antisemitism. This radicalization did not gain the favor of the Christian Social court preacher Adolf....
193.   The Association of German Students: Leipzig Students Remember the First Ten Years (1881-1891)
A wide variety of student fraternities and associations existed at German universities. Some emphasized religious affiliation (Protestant, Catholic, Jewish); some were traditional, typically stressing....
194.   Theodor Storm on the Genre of the Novella (1881)
In this reply to a disparaging newspaper commentary on the novella, Theodor Storm (1817-1888) defends the genre against charges that it is a superficial and inferior art form. Himself a renowned....
195.   Werner von Siemens on Electric Trolleys in Berlin-Lichterfelde (Letter of May 12, 1881)
Werner von Siemens (1816-1892), an inventor and entrepreneur in the field of electrical engineering, was one of Imperial Germany’s foremost industrial innovators and the cofounder of today’s Siemens....
196.   Kaiser Wilhelm I’s Royal Proclamation on Social Policy
(November 17, 1881)

Although Bismarck had implemented the Anti-Socialist Law in 1878, the socialist movement was....
197.   A Young Noblewoman is Presented at Court (1882-83)
This excerpt from the memoirs of a young German noblewoman, Marie von Bunsen (1860-1941), describes her introduction at the imperial court in Berlin. The pomp and ceremony of court....
198.   Occupational Breakdown of Germany’s Population (1882-1907)
Industrialization changed the way the rapidly expanding German population earned its livelihood. In 1871, about 49% of the workforce was engaged in agriculture; by 1907, that number had fallen to....
199.   "Manifesto to the Governments and Peoples of the Christian Nations Threatened by Judaism": The First Anti-Jewish Congress in Dresden (September 11-12, 1882)
In the following manifesto of the First Anti-Jewish Congress, held in the Saxon capital shortly after the first wave of German antisemitism peaked, participants wove virtually all the threads of....
200.   Bismarck’s Conception of a modus vivendi with Rome (December 19, 1882)
On February 20, 1878, Pope Leo XIII (1810-1903) succeeded Pius IX (1792-1878). The new Pope’s policy toward Germany was more conciliatory than his predecessor’s and contributed to the de-escalation....
191-200 of 249 documents < previous  |  next >