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151-160 of 249 documents < previous  |  next > 
151.   Friedrich Engels to Karl Marx’s Daughter on Social Democracy's Prospects after the Reichstag Elections (February 26, 1890)
In the Reichstag elections of February 20, 1890, the Bismarckian “Cartel” of pro-government parties lost its majority, while the SPD celebrated a major victory. Writing from his London exile to the....
152.   Retrospective Judgment of a District Governor on the Failure of the Anti-Socialist Law (1925)
This excerpt is drawn from the 1925 memoirs of Baron Hans Hermann von Berlepsch (1843-1926),....
153.   Bismarck Tells the British Ambassador that Germany has Achieved its Legitimate Objectives (February 11, 1873)
The text below is an excerpt from a letter by Lord Odo Russell (1829-1884), Britain’s ambassador to Germany from 1872 to 1884, to the British Foreign Secretary Lord Granville. Russell was allegedly....
154.   Albrecht von Stosch to Count Alfred von Waldersee on Bismarck's Successor (January 30, 1890)
Bismarck's forced resignation as German chancellor on March 20, 1890, was preceded by furious....
155.   Eugen Richter and Max Weber on Bismarck’s Legacy (1890 and 1917/18)
Most liberals did not share Hans Delbrück's recognition of Bismarck's greatness or his confident....
156.   Hans Delbrück on Bismarck's Legacy (April 1890)
To many contemporaries Bismarck's resignation on March 20, 1890, constituted a momentous event; it certainly produced a flood of commentaries. In this extended analysis, published in the Preußische....
157.   Gustav Schmoller on the Social Question and the Prussian State (1874)
“The Social Question and the Prussian State” (1874) was published in a prestigious contemporary journal by the economics professor and co-founder of the Association for Social Policy Gustav Schmoller....
158.   Heinrich von Treitschke, "Socialism and its Patrons" (1874)
A leading kleindeutsch historian and university teacher, Heinrich von Treitschke (1834-1896)....
159.   Population Growth in Large Cities (1875-1910)
German cities experienced enormous growth during the Bismarckian and Wilhelmine periods. The population of Berlin,....
160.   Franz Perrot’s "Era Articles" Attacking Bismarck’s Ministry, Liberals, and the Jews (June 29 - July 1, 1875)
Franz Perrot (1833-1891) was an antisemitic conservative writer who published a series of blockbuster essays in his party’s leading newspaper, the Neue Preussische (Kreuz-) Zeitung. They were....
151-160 of 249 documents < previous  |  next >