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101-110 of 249 documents < previous  |  next > 
101.   The Titles "Frau," "Fräulein," "Herr," and "Herrlein" (1871)
Women’s emancipation was still a long way off at the time of German unification in 1871. Here, one critic of gender-specific titles points out that language reinforced traditional roles. Unmarried....
102.   Kaiser Wilhelm II, Cabinet Order on the Officer Corps (March 29, 1890)
The reign of Kaiser Wilhelm II (1888-1918) saw an expansion of the army for several reasons, including excessive fear of “encirclement.” The available supply of aristocratic young men, however, was....
103.   Benjamin Disraeli on the "German Revolution" (February 9, 1871)
Benjamin Disraeli (1804-1881) was Britain’s first and only Jewish prime minister. Defeated in a general election in 1868 by William Gladstone (1809-1898), Disraeli faced another six years on the....
104.   August Bebel, Reichstag Speech (November 8, 1871)
In the following Reichstag speech of November 8, 1871, the leading Social Democrat August Bebel (1840-1913) denounces the lack of constitutional and parliamentary rights in Germany and its federal....
105.   Heinrich von Sybel to Hermann Baumgarten on the Founding of the Reich (January 27, 1871)
The proclamation of the German Empire on January 18, 1871, fulfilled a goal that German liberals had pursued for decades: national unity. The highly emotional nature of this event comes through in....
106.   Julius Jolly, Former Prime Minister of Baden, on the Rights and Influence of Parliament in the System of Constitutional Monarchy (1880)
By the end of the 1870s, Bismarck's increasingly autocratic style of government had made it clear that the Reichstag would continuously have to fight for influence vis-à-vis the Reich and Prussian....
107.   Max von Forckenbeck to Franz von Stauffenberg on the Need for National Liberal Opposition (January 19, 1879)
By 1879 Bismarck was not only seeking to restrict the influence of the Reichstag but also concentrating on weakening the National Liberal Party by turning to conservative allies. In the following....
108.   Liberal Secessionists’ Declaration (August 30, 1880)
Bismarck's attempts to restrict constitutional liberties and his turn from free trade to protectionism increased pressure on the National Liberal Party to defend liberal principles. However, the....
109.   August Heinrich Hoffmann von Fallersleben, Founding Songs (1872)
The nineteenth-century German poet August Heinrich Hoffmann von Fallersleben (1798-1874) is best....
110.   Hedwig Dohm, "What the Pastors Think of Women" (1872)
Hedwig Dohm (1831-1919), author and women’s rights advocate, was married to Wilhelm Friedrich Ernst Dohm, editor of the satirical magazine Kladderadatsch. Through her husband, she came into....
101-110 of 249 documents < previous  |  next >