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81-90 of 238 documents < previous  |  next > 
81.   The Communist Case for "Demarcation" from the West (February 10, 1971)
In response to West German efforts to increase the permeability of the East-West border, the leading....
82.   Erich Honecker on the "Unity of Economic and Social Policy" (June 15-19, 1971)
Upon taking over the leadership of the SED, Erich Honecker outlined his economic program in the new Five Year Plan. The plan continued the effort to encourage....
83.   Reforming the Marriage and Family Code (July 9, 1971)
Federal Minister of Justice Gerhard Jahn describes the basic principles of the new divorce law, which created equality between spouses and introduced the concept....
84.   Quadripartite Agreement on Berlin (September 3, 1971)
The Quadripartite Agreement between the former Allies illustrates the close link between Ostpolitik....
85.   A New Platform for the Free Democrats (FDP) (October 25-27, 1971)
The Free Democrats’ political renewal in the 1960s reached a preliminary highpoint with the 37 Freiburg Theses, which called for a liberal social policy and “social capitalism” as party objectives,....
86.   The Club of Rome on the "Limits of Growth" (1972)
Charting the impact of economic growth on the population, the food supply, energy use, and the environment, a 1972 MIT study (sponsored by the Club of Rome and the Volkswagen Foundation)....
87.   West German States Declare Radicals Unfit for Public Service (January 28, 1972)
Frightened by an increasing number of terrorist attacks, the interior ministers of the West German states....
88.   Legalizing First Trimester Abortions in the GDR (March 13, 1972)
In the GDR, a draft law permitting abortions within the first trimester met with reservations from both the church and the CDU, one of the block parties in the East German political system. The ballot....
89.   Vote of No Confidence (April 1972)
The first constructive vote of no confidence in West German history was made possible by the defection....
90.   Social Democratic Reflections on "Economic Growth or Quality of Life?" (April 11, 1972)
Speaking at a conference of the metalworkers’ union, the social democratic thinker Erhard Eppler pleads for a move away from unlimited economic growth – and its....
81-90 of 238 documents < previous  |  next >